Jeric Griffin

Marketing leader and consultant helping businesses and individuals alike grow in efficiency and effectiveness. Follower of Christ, husband, dad, Spurs admirer, Longhorns tweeter, and retired Cowboys writer and sports broadcaster.

Who I Am

A childhood on family farmland in rural East Texas led to an early career in sports writing and broadcasting that ultimately resulted in a fulfilling role in marketing leadership. Each of those wildly different life stages were stepping stones for me placed by God, and I cherish each one.

About Me

What I Do

I am blessed to do what I enjoy every day, and that's using all the various elements of digital marketing in tandem to help companies, brands, and individuals achieve their business goals. Based in Tyler, TX, I lead performance marketing and SEO on the Mars Petcare team, as well as provide consulting for several other companies on their marketing efforts.

Prior to Mars, I led an extraordinary team of people at Space Auto (by Luminary 2), a modern marketing agency.

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